Key developments in the pandemic in Scotland

Below is a list of some of the key developments during the pandemic in Scotland that may be useful to reference in discussions. A text version is available below the visual graphic.

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Some key developments for discussion

January 2020:

  • First COVID-19 cases confirmed in the UK.

March 2020:

  • First case of COVID-19 confirmed in Scotland.
  • The World Health Organisation declares a pandemic.
  • First confirmed death of a patient in Scotland with COVID-19.
  • First national lockdown begins. 

May 2020:

  • Test and Protect launches.
  • Two households can meet outdoors. 

July 2020:

  • Care home residents can meet one person outdoors.
  • Shops, dentists, hairdressers, pubs, cinemas and places of worship open. 

August 2020: 

  • Pupils return to school.

September 2020: 

  • New restrictions on household visits begin. 

October 2020: 

  • Care home residents can receive indoor visits - six people from two households permitted. 

November 2020:

  • Local levels system begins in Scotland.
  • Areas are put into different restriction levels depending on how many people have COVID in the area or region. 

December 2020:

  • First vaccinations administered in Scotland.
  • Tightening of Christmas restrictions announced.

January 2021:

  • Second full lockdown for Scotland. 

March 2021:

  • All pupils return to classrooms for the first time in 2021.

April/May 2021:

  • Some restrictions are removed, including reopening of certain venues, one person can visit someone in hospital, two households can meet indoors.

July 2021:

  • Four households can meet indoors.
  • Physical distancing indoors reduces to one metre.

September 2021:

  • COVID booster vaccination programme launched.

November 2021:

  • First cases of Omicron are identified in Scotland. 

April 2022:

  • Face coverings no longer required in most places.
  • Most people without symptoms do not have to take tests.
  • Test centres close and contact tracing ends. 

May 2022:

  • Shielding list ends.